
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Creating a go program, day 10, putting a stone

This video is about how the program will put a stone on the board. Thanks for the comments!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Creating a go program day 9, coordinates and positions

Well here is the video of day 9, converting array positions to coordinates and coordinates to array positions.

In my youtube channel I am at day 15, I promise I will put this blog up to date.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Creating a go program day 8: Logging

It is important to have full control of what you are doing, and I think that a logging system is needed. And maybe you think it is not important at this stage, but I think it is, to have it from the beggining is a must for me.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Now, up to date with the videos. Today I added the "Quit" command so now I can really do the main loop. The program will run until there is a Quit command, so a boolean endgame will end with True.

Creating a go program, day 6

Well, there are 2 videos I didn't add to the blog, here is the one for day 6, some Data was added that day in a class that will content all the "constants" of the program.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day 4, Explaining the basics of the start of the game and main loop

Well, in this video I explain how the main loop will work:

Let me explain:

Start class (the main class) will create a MainLoop object. Then will call loopStart method, that will initiate the main loop of the game. In the near future the main loop will run until a GTP command that ends the game appears.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Evil Tesuji, day 3, Board representation

Me again in video! I took ideas from my old posts about board representation and compiled them in the video:

Well, I think that this video log is a good idea, right now I am more concentrated on the program.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Evil Tesuji, Day 2. Creating the first classes.

So, I just created the first classes of the game:

  1. Start (main)
  2. MainLoop
  3. Engine
  4. Board


Obviously with their Javadocs.

Evil Tesuji Day 1: Explaining objectives and standards

Second video of the first day, I am explaining what objectives does this project have and the standards that this will have.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Starting again, and a videoblog Day 1 (counting again)

Sorry for quitting the project, but I had lots of things to do lately, Job, family, study and lots of stuff that got me out of go world.

But the good thing is that I am back, and understanding a lot more of programming, so I know this is not good but I will restart the project, and now I will be logging all in video.

So, here is the first video:

So, here is the deal: Every day (well, no if I am on vacation) I will upload a video with all what I did and what puzzles me. I also decided that I will upload source to gitHub, so you can have the code, modify it and do whatever you want with it.

So, just follow my videos, suscribe to the channel if you want, comment and be critic with it.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Code Jam

Well, in less than 7 hours will start Google Code Jam. It is my first time in this, I wish I can pass the first round. I wish I have the time for it. I KNOW I will use Python.

So, I wish I can continue with Evil Tesuji next week.

Monday, April 8, 2013

New Commit

Well, this time I added the basic and mandatory GTP commands, so I can test te application using GoGui.

They are:

  1. Name
  2. Komi
  3. Protocol_version
  4. Version
  5. List_commands
  6. Boardsize
  7. Clear_board
Thanks to the Computer Go mailing list, I saw a BIG difference between Java and Python. In Java I could use for standard output system.out.println, but I had some problems with sys.stdout.write. The thing is that the method println calls his own flush and in Python I have to put that line in my code. So, now it is working.

I really have to thank to the members of the list, without them I couldn't progress a lot with this.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Configuring new enviroment at home

Well, here I am, with all this new problems in my project, so new poblems needs new enviroments.

I will work now with Eclipse (Juno) adapted for Python, and adding SVN support to commit it to google code (If I need something else about SVN I will keep Tortoise installed)

Google Code

Well, as I promised I created an SVN repository in Google Code with the program. I am commiting there the new program in Python.

The repo is here and every time I commit I will tell you here, with all the changes.

For now in rev2:

  • There is a main that calls the mainLoop.
  • The main loop ceates a board (as described in old posts) and initializes it.
  • A logger class is created and it writes in a file (ETlog.txt) the empty board. 
  • IT enters in a loop and exits.

Yes, that's it, but is good for a start. I am "translating" my old code from Python to Java (explained why in previous posts).

So, that's how it is, had for me but... I think I am more confortable writing in Python than in Java.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Total Refactor update

Well, lately I had the project with poor updates, but I see that some people is looking at this so I decided to come back and with some new ideas:

  1. I will be uploading the code to Google Code (I know, github is maybe better, you tell me if you want it on gitHub) from scratch. I created a new project and copying the code I know is good and looking for refactors that I can make and will start writing a lot on paper to know in advance what I want in every step.
  2. I will be doing a lot of recordings and documentations and putting it there.
  3. I have a problem, I had to uninstall jdk here so in paralel I will mantain a version in Python. Yes, maybe it will be the main version in the future. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

TOTAL Refactor

Well, I was making lots of new things to my program and it started failing everywhere, so I decided to document all while recheck my code and change lots of things.

This will be hard, but I want my program working good again in some days.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 1: Nova era.

Well, I am back. You may think "What happened to the project?", here is my answer:

  • Some long conjunctivictis and queractitis took me of the computer for some time
  • Lack of time. I had LOTS of things to do lately. 
  • Frustration. I was frustrated for all the problems with this. I really needed to stay away from this to get back with new energy and ideas.
Right now I want to get back to the project and this time I will make it work. First I am looking at the code, using Visio to see how it works (is my code and somehow it went out of my hands). At first look I see some things to change, this is the good part of getting out of the project for some time.

So, this is the "Nova Era"


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 158: Back!

Once again, I am back to coding. My eyes are a lot better. Like a month with conjunctivictis, keractitis and all the problems that it gave me... (double vision, couldn't touch my daughter, photofobia, pain) was not something good, now I have to re read some of my code and get back to work.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 146: Keratitis -My eyes against me-

The "fun" with my eyes never ends, now that Mr. Conjunctivitis is gone, is time to receive mr. Keractitis and his double vision.